Sunday, November 8, 2015

Book Review: The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal FreedomThe Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have two copies of this one in my house - the one I bought and read five years ago and the one a coach I hired three years ago gave me.  It was great to read it again... and then to go back and compare the two copies to see the difference between what I was picking up on (highlighting) back then and what I picked up on the second time.  I recommend that exercise to anyone who has not read this in a while.

Don Miguel Ruiz is tapped into something pretty special, and I have no doubt of the Truth of his words.  He's right when he says The Four Agreements are easy to understand but difficult to live.  Even though I have grown a great deal in the five years since I read this the first time, I still feel like I am perpetually climbing uphill, never sure if there is a summit.  Don Miguel says if we do our best each day to live The Four Agreements, we will be living at the summit no matter where our life's journey takes us.  I like that... and I believe it.  Now I just have to do it!

Short, lyrical, and richly layered, The Four Agreements is a must read for all Seekers. I may do the workbook next year. Stay tuned.

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